
WattPlot™ ACKcess Version 6  Release Delta Document

This page describes the changes from one release to the next, and allows existing users to update to the latest version at no extra cost (no reactivation needed).  Update downloads will only work for previously activated sites.  New users must use a different download.

To see what version of WattPlot™ ACKcess you are currently running, select the About option of the Help menu.

You do not need to un-install or re-install WattPlot ACKcess to get these updates (except where specifically noted).  Most updates are done by simply downloading a replacement ACKcess.exe file.

The latest version of WattPlot™ ACKcess is:  (26 July 2024)

This is a replacement EXE, not an installation program.
Do NOT attempt to RUN this program from the web site.
** Follow the numbered steps below. **

  1. Click on the "Download now" button above.

  2. Depending on your browser, use the drop-down of the Save button and choose "Save As", OR just click the "Save As";, or "Copy", or "Save" button.

  3. Direct your system to save ACKcess.exe in the folder where the older version EXE resides (which is typically c:\Program Files (x86) \WattPlot).  [NOTE: If you are using Google Chrome, it might just put the file directly into your Downloads folder.  Move it from there to your Program Files\WattPlot folder.]

  4. If it tells you that the file already exists, and asks if you want to overwrite it, click Yes.

ACKcess, Version - 26 July 2024

Corrected - Supporting functions for MidNite Solar Classic charge controller support.
Corrected - Various aspects of AllInverters and AllChargeControllers calculations.
Corrected - Ability to support multiple Gateways.
Corrected - Charge controller contribution percentage.
Corrected - Setting of PreviousTick for device sets.
Corrected - Possible index overflow on compressed plot after midnight.Possible index overflow on compressed plot after midnight.
Enhanced - Removed unnecessary Block-to-String translations to speed up processing.
Enhanced - Keep Event Log file open to speed up processing.
Enhanced - Program now tracks connection method and confirms against DHCP setting on device.
Enhanced - Make "DHCP Enabled" a read-only field for the MATE3(S).

ACKcess, Version - 15 July 2024

Corrected - Previous release inadvertently shutdown communication drop recovery.

ACKcess, Version - 12 July 2024

Corrected - Multiple Radian L1 values being incorrect from Home Screen and Snapshot breakdowns.
Corrected - Bug that prevented ACKcess from considering connection to MS Classic as successful.
Corrected - Definition of MS Classic Charger Stages.
Corrected - Inappropriate truncation compensation on Radian legs with zero amperage.
Corrected - Saving of DHCP option for gateway.
Enhanced - Operating Mode display in Snapshot bar for inverters in Slave On mode.
Enhanced - Now logs devices/packet and packet frequency.

ACKcess, Version - 02 July 2024

Corrected - Adjustable width calculations of Snapshot window.
Corrected - Shunt-Amp replacement logic for Radians, including negative inverter amps.
Corrected - Assignment of AC In to Grid vs Generator on Leg 2 of Radians.
Corrected - Additional operating modes for Radian inverters, and error modes for all inverters.
Corrected - Several adjustments to Snapshot display for Radians.
Corrected - Reaction when user closes Gateway setup window.
Corrected - Animation stop/start and incorrect wattages on Home Screen when packets are not All Devices.
Corrected - Smoother OpenPort when using TCP Server.
Corrected - Conversion error when editing Restart Pause Minutes in Communications Parameters.
Enhanced - Display of Load Watts calculation - more to come.
Enhanced - Information given in flow calculation pop-ups.
Added - Wattage flow pop-up for External DC device shunt.
Dropped - Support for Shunts monitoring individaul Radian legs.

ACKcess, Version - 24 June 2024

Corrected - Read of MS Classic serial number.
Corrected - MAC Address read from OutBack gateways.
Enhanced - Streamlined code and error-handling for reading of specific values via Modbus.
Enhanced - Streamlined code for opening Modbus communications across devices.
Added - Fields for MS Classic to the Device Settings Tree.

ACKcess, Version - 19 June 2024

Corrected - Fixed message when Modbus value Write operation fails and comms are restarted.
Corrected - Retain NumDevicesPerPacket setting.
Corrected - Cancel out of Gateway Setup now restores old values.
Corrected - Calculation of Inverter and Charge Controller Set values before data present.
Corrected - Reads from MS Classic Config block.
Added - Ability to reboot entire program automatically when communications cannot be restarted.

ACKcess, Version - 17 Jun 2024

Corrected - Radian Inverting and Selling Amps in Snapshot Bars.
Corrected - Values for All Inverters set, when composed of Radians.
Corrected - Various issues connected to a new installation of the software.
Corrected - Selected packet frequency was not being adhered to.
Corrected - Radian wattages when power coming from generator.
Corrected - Full Icon tray not showing for FnDC in Home Screen.
Corrected - Display of Charge Controller Wattage calculation in Home Screen.
Corrected - All Charge Controllers and All Inverters calculations for staggered packets.
Corrected - NonModalMsgBox disposed of but needed in OpenPort.
Corrected - Error report for Monthly Summary power usage file having -1 days of data.
Corrected - Doubled devices in Snapshot Display pop-up menu.
Corrected - Attempt to save data in Monthly Summary file for invalid date.
Corrected - Variable type overflow with high wattages on Home Screen.
Enhanced - Slow down initial Modbus block mapping to reduce communication drops.
Enhanced - Reduce Modbus Communication for OutBack charge controllers and Radians.
Enhanced - Alignment of components in Wattage calculations in Home Screen.
Enhanced - Raw data traffic display in Communications Setting window.
Enhanced - Better IP Address advice in Communications Setting window.
Enhanced - Event log auto-archive naming and top message.
Enhanced - Removed messages no longer need for install.
Added - Ability to set number of devices per packet.
Added - Additional help when altering Data packet options in Communication Settings.
Added - Ability to remain in Main screen, even if all communications fail.
Added - Wattage info by clicking Ext. DC Device wattage and units on Home Screen.
Added - Modbus I/O tally to gauge communication performance..

ACKcess, Version - 24 May 2024

Corrected - Suppression of warnings by number of days.
Corrected - Packet/Device options in Communications Advanced settings.
Corrected - Cancelling out of Communication settings screen with no changes.
Corrected - Access to Grid Use Time Settings from Grid image.
Enhanced - Simplified Communication Setting screen for MATE3 and AXS Port.
Enhanced - Reduce need for Communications TEST before saving settings.
Added - Ability to view Communication Password (double-click field).

ACKcess, Version - 23 May 2024

Corrected - IP Scan function fails when the IP Address includes "?".
Corrected - Roving icon try now appears over Radian image.
Corrected - Display of time-of-day settings in Gateway System settings.
Corrected - Modbus Write of time-of-day values was reversing minute and hour.
Corrected - Crashing issue on systems without Battery Monitors.

ACKcess, Version - 22 May 2024

Corrected - Some missing L2 values in Radian wattage flow calculation display.
Corrected - Errors in Generator Configuration screen if Controlling device is None.
Enhanced - Watts on Home Screen greater than 9,999 now show as ##.#k .
Enhanced - Radian snapshot bars are now easier to distinguish.
Added - Settings functionality on Snapshot roving icon bar.

ACKcess, Version - 20 May 2024

Corrected - Mysterious bug in Modbus link warm-restart - fixed?
Corrected - Minor issues in Home Screen display startup.
Corrected - Removed obsolete field in System definition screen.
Corrected - Gateway selection in New System startup.

ACKcess, Version - 23 Apr 2024

Corrected - Disable inapplicable entries on Options menu.
Corrected - Intelligently respond when System definition has no Gateways defined.
Corrected - Temporarily disable MS Classic serial number retrieval. More testing required.

ACKcess, Version - 14 Apr 2024

Corrected - Showing plot line samples when defining plot lines.
Corrected - Disable Home Screen animation until program is ready.
Corrected - Bypassed email settings on new installation for now - was causing error at non-WattPlot sites.
Enhanced - Longer time delays on send actions to MATE3 - attempt to reduce communication drops.
Enhanced - Check for Aux Mode allowing Remote Control of Aux Port.

ACKcess, Version - 03 Mar 2024

Corrected - Added code to allow charge controllers AUX port to be controlled from snapshot bars.
Corrected - Don't suspend comms due to high error frequency when comms not running.
Corrected - Allow high error frequency to abort plot process.
Corrected - If a plot window load fails, remove the plot window.
Enhanced - Restore FnDC data window if left open in a previous run.
Enhanced - Added some TCP Server text for the Events Log.
Enhanced - Context-specific recognition of Enter key in Event log window.

ACKcess, Version - 20 Feb 2024

Corrected - Adjust MATE3 OPTICSre setting message for internet found/not found.
Corrected - Some Help menu entries for ACKcess, instead of Monitor.
Corrected - Ability to flag charge controller AUX port values as OFF.
Corrected - Start Generator command in Generator Control not showing action sequence.
Corrected - Generator config window to store correct Aux Port index.
Corrected - Misc. errors with the assignment and storage of Radian generator Aux type.
Corrected - Set gateway Generator AUX index whenever setting device Generator AUX index.
Corrected - Reloading FnDC shunt values from CSV history - off by a factor of 10.
Corrected - Midnight plot indices going beyond 86400 points.
Enhanced - Suppress notification of systematic communication errors when unattended.
Enhanced - Suppress notification of clocks out of synch when MATE3 has incorrectly applied Time Zone.
Enhanced - Simplified device list in Command Builder tool.
Added - Ability to switch pen-plot to be scrolling with latest values from Right-Click pop-up menu.
Added - Ability to Stop Generator Now (no cool-down) from Generator Control window.
Added - Notification of user command success in Home status bar.
Added - Confirm settings-change success/failure after warm reboot..
Added - More MATE3/AXS settings in Device Settings/Information tree.

ACKcess, Version - 09 Feb 2024

Corrected - Aux Port On/Off flag indices for Radians, FXRs, and FlexMax devices.
Corrected - Restored right-click pop-up context menu for pen-plots.
Corrected - Multiple alerts when data is off-scale and Auto-scale is turned off.
Corrected - Maintain live pen-plot scrolling when pen-plot is resized by user.
Corrected - Display of time-of-day settings in MATE3/S/AXS Port.
Enhanced - Don't prompt for settings audit in unattended mode or after communications reboot.
Enhanced - Expanded OutBack gateway settings in Device Information/Settings tree.
Enhanced - System settings audit based on internet connection.
Added - Tracking of internet availability and expectation, noting changes.

ACKcess, Version - 02 Feb 2024

Corrected - Possible bug for null Primary Battery device when comms fail.
Corrected - Restored functionality of File...Exit menu entry (temporarily disabled by mistake).
Corrected - Plotting issues when parameters are adjusted during communication flow.
Corrected - Reset live pen-plots at data midnight.
Corrected - Display (and display memory) of Performance Summary window.
Corrected - Missing monthly file error message when going to Performance Summary window on first day.
Corrected - Restored display of Inverters and CCs in Full System Summary (Numbers view).
Corrected - Restored Min & Max Battery voltage for CCs in Performance Summary (Numbers view - More Info).
Corrected - Various CC daily values in Performance Summary window (Numbers view).
Corrected - Display in Performance Summary window when no data available (Numbers view).
Corrected - Possible bug when clicking Generator flow in Home Screen.
Corrected - Today's Summary for CC in Device Information/Settings Tree.
Corrected - Shunt index when reloading shunt amps from historical data.
Enhanced - More information available on AUX port status.
Enhanced - Clarified the CC Aux Port Polarity setting.
Enhanced - Greatly simplified internal pen-plot code by combining module and custom control.
Enhanced - Improved some error tracking information for pen-plot issues.
Enhanced - Restored some error tracking to find warm reboot bug.
Enhanced - Consolidated two different FnDC dynamic information windows.
Enhanced - Simplified visual WattageLabel down to internal WattageData.
Added - Option to view CC Performance Summary values from Device or Program (Numbers view).
Added - Some of CC's own Data Log values under Today's Summary in Device Information/Settings Tree.
Added - Temperature-compensated voltages to Device Settings/Information Tree.
Added - Ability for ACKcess to attempt repair of monthly summary files that have missing formulas.

ACKcess, Version - 13 Jan 2024

Corrected - Some issues when communications initially fail.
Corrected - Saving/restoring some obscure values in Communication Settings when cancelled.
Corrected - Charge Controller Aux Port settings display in Information/Settings tree.
Corrected - Charge Controller Aux Port Mode translation (was "n/a").
Enhanced - Defaults at least first three parts of IP Address and IP Port in Communication Settings.
Enhanced - Modified System Definition screen to reduce Connection Edit Screen complexities.
Enhanced - Gray out irrelevant Aux settings in FX and FlexMax Information/Settings tree.
Enhanced - Generator controlling Aux Port now labelled in Information/Settings tree.
Added - Communication Settings to Options menu.
Added - Communications Icon to Charge Controller panel.
Added - Refresh button to Information/Settings tree.
Added - AUX Output States to Information/Settings tree.

ACKcess, Version - 22 Dec 2023

Corrected - Issue with probing a non-SunSpec compatible connection.
Corrected - Preserve old min/max values on Performance Graph when Line/Bar units match.
Corrected - Unnecessary message about missing device when viewing Daily Summary for full system.
Corrected - Corrected performance bar graph wattage values in Performance Graph window.
Corrected - Charger kWh error for Full System in Performance Graph/Summary window.
Enhanced - Min SOC % Y-axis scale on Performance Graphs now fixed at 0-100.
Enhanced - Handle system displays with multiple monitor screens.
Added - A Help Button to the Performance Graph/Summary Window.
Added - FnDC Historical Totals to Information/Settings Tree.

ACKcess, Version - 09 Dec 2023

Corrected - Some AAC defaults and maximums for different inverter models.
Corrected - STILL trying to keep windows from adding scroll bars to utility screens.
Corrected - Generator Control Screen management after execution is completed.
Corrected - Some kind of overflow when rounding values for the Snapshot bar.
Corrected - Error when Plot is missing a scale on the right axis.
Corrected - Height of Radian snapshot bar.
Enhanced - More execution tracking for Generator Control Screen.
Enhanced - More support for DC generators on Generator Control Screen.
Added - AC Input VAC display to Generator Control Screen.

ACKcess, Version - 06 Dec 2023

Corrected - Fatal error when returning to Home Screen after connect failure.
Corrected - Some Aux Port data in real-time information tree.
Corrected - Potential error from Release check frequency when saving Program Options screen.
Corrected - Removed UDP/IP and USB as connection options for MATE3/S.
Enhanced - Reduce duplication of data in real-time information tree for FX and FXR inverters.
Enhanced - Increase prominence of Grid-connect option in System Configuration dialog box.
Enhanced - Add AUX Function Description to Summary report.
Enhanced - Restore AUX Hours tracking to Summary report for FnDC.
Enhanced - Added shunt letters to Shunt Config in Settings Information tree for FnDC.
Added - Check for AC Input Mode/Grid Present discrepancies in System Settings Audit.
Added - Ability to add Grid connectivity from Home Screen.
Added - Present Activity and Temperature data to real-time information tree for Radians.
Added - AC Input Mode checks to System Settings Audit.

ACKcess, Version - 27 Nov 2023

Corrected - Inappropriate attempt to flag Gateway status on Inverter Reporting Set in snapshots.
Corrected - Ability to detect off-grid inverter getting generator AC in.
Corrected - Background of flag-type fields should reset from yellow or red when normal.
Enhanced - Refresh Generator Control screen every time any command is processed successfully.

ACKcess, Version - 19 Nov 2023

Corrected - Data Summary/Graph window not loading past data correctly.
Corrected - Radian tick processing having trouble getting correct Present object - part 2.
Corrected - Zoom In/Out options enabled on Plot right-click.
Corrected - MidNite Solar Classic serial number read.
Corrected - AllChargeControllers error counter.
Corrected - Inverter error handling for "All Inverters" set.
Corrected - Possible bug in plot scroll placement after changing resolution.
Corrected - Disable Action selection in Generator Control during execution.
Corrected - Removed debugging message in Generator Control for each command executed.
Enhanced - Extensive work to consolidate inverter and charge controller data tracking.
Enhanced - Expanded MidNite Solar Classic data tracking.
Enhanced - Reduced some processing at startup.
Enhanced - Add "Executing" message in Generator Control window.

ACKcess, Version - 08 Nov 2023

Corrected - Radian tick processing having trouble getting correct Present object.
Corrected - Pen-plot scroll bar operations and plot resolution changes.
Corrected - Battery Tools menu for Start/Stop Bulk or Eq charge.
Corrected - Still trying to stop Windows from adding scroll bars to Home Screen.
Enhanced - Minor interface improvements to Device Command Builder.
Enhanced - Default Plot legend for Battery Monitor device.

ACKcess, Version - 29 Oct 2023

Corrected - Plotting issues with negative data values.
Corrected - New error editing plot line options from legend when plot doesn't exist.
Corrected - Faulty Generator Control interpretation of GenState.
Corrected - Generator Control buttons enabled/disabled.
Corrected - Error in Generator Control if commands are sent from Command tool instead.
Corrected - Error when selecting MidNite Solar Classic as Gateway device.
Added - Simplified negative plot options by adding "0 - " options.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - WPBrowser Load and Close must check for presence of HomeMDIWindow.
Enhanced - Suppress systemic error logging when plotting previous data.
Enhanced - Plot data error information.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Plot Legend window was incorrectly loading Right Scale data set.
Corrected - Loading of previous hours of data for current day.
Corrected - Display of option to show wattages as negative in Plot Line Options dialog box.
Corrected - Determination of missing data (Battery voltage = -0.1) in pen-plots.
Corrected - Absence of valid scale data set improperly generating plot error.
Corrected - Plot index errors improperly treated as bitmap errors.
Corrected - 1-second overflow in plot at midnight - again.
Corrected - Retrieval of actual maximum data value when manually setting plot scale maximum.
Enhanced - Shunt Name based on location now includes shunt #.
Enhanced - Short description of shunt wattages in point detail now includes shunt #.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Handle bad data of null Shunt Type.
Corrected - Error when setting negative values over Modbus.
Corrected - 1-second overflow in plot at midnight.
Enhanced - Reset some error information after logging errors.
Enhanced - Changed "NumMATEs" to "NumGateways" in Config.ini file.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - WindowStateSave/Restore errors if System not initialized.
Corrected - Various data reference bugs for OutBack Radian devices.
Corrected - Ability to recognize more Event Logs in File Open.
Corrected - Error when generator control device not specified.
Corrected - OK button not enabled in Generation Configuration dialog box.
Corrected - Install should not create "WattPlot ACKcess" folder under Program Files-WattPlot.
Corrected - Another attempt to remove persistent scroll bars showing up in Home Screen.
Enhanced - More information in monthly summary data file error message.
Added - Details when External Device rectangle is clicked in Home Screen.
Added - "Voltage Compensation for Temperature" to FnDC settings details.
Added - Home Screen View Options under View menu.
Added - Warning when maximum plot resolution is severely limited.
Added - Option to reduce number of gateways when cancelling definition.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Arithmetic overflow if possible plot resolution list has been severely reduced.
Corrected - Possible fatal hover error after plot bitmap paint fails.
Corrected - Arithmetic overflow in Home Screen State of Charge calculation?
Added - Remember previous plot definition selection.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Internal thread responses to plotting bitmap errors.
Corrected - Index error when requesting Full System pen-plot.
Added - Shunt configuration screen access from Options menu.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Restoring failed/suspended communications.
Corrected - Logging of plot memory-related errors.
Enhanced - Remember gateway model when testing connection, regardless of success.
Enhanced - Use old MATE3 Firmware record to reduce warning messages.
Enhanced - Better tracking of gateway serial numbers.
Enhanced - AGS detection message on first connection.
Added - One-click IP Node scans for DHCP changes.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Plot Legend save when only one scale is defined.
Corrected - Some duplication possible when selecting pre-defined plots.
Corrected - Plot device options filtered for applicability.
Corrected - Restore previous pen-plots on start-up.
Enhanced - Plot Legend data sets now include a value.
Added - Ability to display multiple pen-plots.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Local update of configuration values changed by user (e.g. shunt enabled flag).
Corrected - Write and display of double register values (e.g. IP addresses).
Corrected - Handle plot definition error when shunt names are changed or device is removed.
Corrected - Possible issue with suspension of all communications.
Corrected - Cleaned up the text gathering for error reporting in the Alert log.
Enhanced - Added Caveat warning for Email Settings.
Added - Maximum Plot Resolution can now be set in Plotting tab of Options...Program Setup.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Logic around which Charger Control options are available to be selected for an inverter.
Corrected - Read-back issue in Modbus integer write function.
Corrected - Response to state changes for the FLEXnet DC device.
Corrected - Heading for independent shunt configuration screen.
Corrected - Live loading of changes from shunt configuration screen.
Corrected - Settings list for REactor response actions had been disabled.
Corrected - Plot Y-coordinate factor after some auto-scaling operations.
Enhanced - Provide warnings when scale data sets or edited plot line options are not included on the plot.
Enhanced - Pause communications when performing modbus write in an attempt to reduce communication drops.
Enhanced - Include system exception messages in alert logging.
Enhanced - Further memory usage reductions.
Added - More options for amps data that may be plotted.
Added - Activated Communication Suspend/Resume from File menu.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - System Information from Help...About.
Corrected - Ability to change Modbus string value to "".
Corrected - Modbus write process for double registers and IP Addresses.
Corrected - Display of External DC Device shunt wattage.
Corrected - Penplot legend now prevents left and right scales being the same units.
Enhanced - Error handling in Performance Graph and Summary window.
Enhanced - Advanced Settings screen (width of value field).
Enhanced - Generator contents in Informations/Settings screen.
Enhanced - User interface for the Advanced Settings screen.
Added - ACKcess text in Help...About.
Added - Tools icon to Generator on Home Screen.
Added - Code to catch MATE3 resetting values after a write operation.

ACKcess, Version

Corrected - Showing snapshots from lower right hand area of Home Screen.
Corrected - Ability to show Charge Controller Battery Voltage on pen-plots.
Corrected - Restored custom FnDC Status window when clicking on FnDC in Home Screen.
Corrected - Today's minimum/maximum battery times in Today's Summary for FnDC.
Corrected - Information icon action for Generator.
Enhanced - Pen-plot scale edit dialog box.
Enhanced - Helpful Tips - be sure to view them all!
Added - Ability to click pen-plot scale labels to edit Max and Min.
Added - Prompt to specify shunt parameters if not already there.

For More Information

If you would like more information, please contact us.

Copyright © 2023-24 Andrew Welch, Intallact